Performing: Music

Performing: Music


Performing: Music 2nd Grade

In this portion of the MCA, the teacher will record the students performing and score the student's performance using the Singing Performance Scoring Form. Click here to access the MCA and Score Tools

Anchor Standards:
Anchor # 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Performing Above Standard:

Performing At Standard:


Performing Ensembles - High School Proficient

In this portion of the MCA, students will work independently and/or in sectionals to practice one selected piece for performance evaluation and then complete the Analyze, Interpret, Rehearse, Evaluate, & Refine Worksheet for Proficient. Click here to access the MCA and Scoring Tools

Anchor Standards:
Anchor # 4. Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Anchor # 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.

Student work samples scoring at standard:

Example A

Example B

Example C

Example D

Performing Ensembles - High School Intermediate

Anchor Standards:
Anchor # 4. Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation.
Anchor # 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
Anchor # 6: Convey meaning thorugh the presentation of artistic work.

Performing At Standard: 

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3
Worksheet Worksheet  Worksheet


Student 4    